Tavita Mejia
Learning a lesson can change a life; passing one down can impact a generation...
Meet Tavita, a graduate of our Poder en Presupuesto (The Power of Budgeting) program. She participated in this series with her husband to learn how to manage their family's finances. Here, they were taught how to develop and manage their household budget and communicate more effectively regarding finances.
“After our graduation, I noticed a huge impact on our lives. My husband and I make time to discuss our finances and create the family budget together; I couldn't be more thrilled. We are starting to save more, and, little by little, we are getting out of debt.” A short time after their classes, Tavita’s husband had health issues that caused an extended period of unpaid time off from work. This could have been devastating, but Tavita said the lessons learned months before in the class prepared them for this emergency. They were able to build up some savings and make critical financial decisions that carried them through that trying time. "It showed me the value of teaching this to my children. I am instilling in my son the lessons I learned in the program. Whenever we give him his allowance, we encourage him to save a little bit just in case he needs something important later. Now, he even ENJOYS saving.”
— Tavita